Our 2024 Blueberry and Blackberry Season is Over

With all of our organic high-bush blueberry and blackberry patches picked out, our Pick-Your-Own berry-picking season here at BrightBerry Farm in Dixmont, Maine is now officially over for the year.
Thanks to Everyone!
A heartfelt thank-you to all our berry-picking customers — the locals who stocked their freezers, the Mainers who brought the kids out for a tasty farm experience, as well as the visitors from all across the country (we tried to keep track) who came and picked just enough to make a pie, to treat a host, or to add to the pancakes over the campfire. We thoroughly enjoyed seeing you again, or meeting you for the first time.

An Overview
All our berries are now Pick-Your-Own. We have 300+ mature organically-grown high-bush blueberry plants in two plots. The picking season extended from mid-July to August 24 this year, with the first berries ripening a full five days earlier than in 2023.
The blackberries in our one long row outdid themselves this year, breaking records for their personal best. Our blackberry season is short, about two weeks start-to-end. This year first picking was Aug. 17, last ones on Aug. 31.